It starts and ends with you, our law enforcement leaders. New cases don't stop, but we need your help to take time in September and focus on cold cases. Will you join us in this commitment?


It starts and ends with you, our law enforcement leaders. New cases don't stop, but we need your help to take time in September and focus on cold cases. Will you join us in this commitment?


Audit and organize cold case files to identify all unsolved cases of homicide and missing persons.

Conduct a review of evidence for each case. Is new technology available? Do you know where your evidence is?

Update points of contact for ViCAP and NamUS entries. Make sure retired detectives aren't still listed!

Publicly list unsolved cases on Solve the Case to increase awareness and receive tips

Request a list of all missing persons for your agency with NCIC

Any missing persons greater than 60 days, add to NamUS

Are your unsolved serial murders entered in ViCAP?

Update & establish points of contact for victim families and make sure they have a current detective to call or email
Increase Awareness with the STC Platform
Don't worry about the tech. Let our platform host publicly facing case pages that can be embedded on your agency's website to gather tips. Reach out to learn how.

Are you participating in National Cold Case Month and would like us to feature your agency's hard work? Contact us to be highlighted as a participant. Also, share our media kit with your Public Information Officer who will love being provided new content to post!

The National Cold Case Month is created in partnership with Solve the Case.

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As a non-profit, we thrive off of the contributions of our community. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a big difference towards families finding answers.
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