You might have your favorite unsolved cases already, but spend some time during the month of September to challenge yourself and learn about new cases. There are bound to be cases in your own backyard that need help getting publicized and organized.


You might have your favorite unsolved cases already, but spend some time during the month of September to challenge yourself and learn about new cases. There are bound to be cases in your own backyard that need help getting publicized and organized.


Ask your local agencies what cold cases they have and if you can help them create public case pages

Submit open records requests for dates, file numbers, names and locations of unsolved murders and missing persons if they aren't already sharing unsolved cases

Research local media (print and television) stories for historical cases that may be forgotten

Enter cases into the Solve the Case (STC) Database. Include timeline info, points of interest, case summaries and related media

Share local cases on social media. Let your local law enforcement and media know about National Cold Case Month

Collaborate with other cyber-sleuths who may not be familiar with the tools on the STC platform

Become a Genetic Witness. Providing a DNA sample is a secure way to help law enforcement find suspects and match missing persons to unidentified decedents. Learn more from GEDmatch's Genetic Witness Program and Othram's DNA Solves

By uploading your genealogical data and opting in, you can be someone's hero and bring answers to families and communities. Get started.

The National Cold Case Month is created in partnership with Solve the Case.

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