Spread the Word

Join us in a nationwide call to action during each and every month of September to focus attention on cold cases of murder, missing persons, unidentified persons, fugitives and other serial offenses.

Spread the Word

Join us in a nationwide call to action during each and every month of September to focus attention on cold cases of murder, missing persons, unidentified persons, fugitives and other serial offenses.

September is National Cold Case Month

Download the Media Kit
Organize your cases, update your contacts, share your cases in one place with the public and collect tips.
September is a month of asking questions! What should you be asking of your law enforcement partners?
There are too many cold cases. How can you help bring awareness and organization to them?
Your audience is large, how can you use September to highlight cases in your community?

The National Cold Case Month is created in partnership with Solve the Case.

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Help support Solve the Case

As a non-profit, we thrive off of the contributions of our community. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a big difference towards families finding answers.
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